Mental Health & Psychology Development

  • Clinical Supervision and Capacity Building
  • Strategy and Policy
  • Mental Health Frameworks
  • Mental Health Policies
  • Mental Health System Development
  • Standards of Practices for Mental Health
  • Crisis Response
  • Advocacy & Prevention Awareness
  • Community Engagement
  • Capacity Development and Training
  • Technical Assistance, Review
  • Vicarious Trauma and Providers MH Support
  • Stakeholder Analysis and Mapping
  • Establish Working Groups & Coordination Bodies

Child Protection & Social Pol

  • Early Childhood Development
  • Child-Therapeutic Psychotherapy Development
  • Family Mediation and Parental Support
  • Child Rights
  • Guidance on Global Standards for Child Care
  • Monitoring and Evaluation of Child’s Rights

Gender and Gender-based Violence (GBV)

  • Survivor-led Therapy
  • Referral Mechanisms for GBV
  • Gender Sensitivity and Diversity Training
  • Rehabilitation of GBV Survivors
  • Womens and Girls Rights
  • Women’s Economic Empowerment
  • Legal Support and Advocacy


  • Reintegration and Reunification
  • Psychological Rehabilitation for CAAFAG
  • Post-release Support and Monitoring
  • Peer-led Support Groups
  • Juvenile Justice
  • Law Enforcement Mental Health Informed Guidance

Human Rights

  • Transitional Justice Development

  • Reconciliation and Accountability
  • Prevention of Human Trafficking
  • Protection of Vulnerable Populations
  • Cultural Rights
  • Access to Justice


  • Local Data Collection Methods

  • Evidence Informed
  • Implementation Science
  • Applied Evaluation Research
  • Traumatization Prevention Training research teams
  • Needs Assessment and Gap Analysis, Clinical Assessments
  • Applied and Implementation Research
  • Program Evaluation and Case Studies
  • Data Analysis and Interpretation
  • Dissemination and Knowledge Translation
  • Interdisciplinary Research
  • Impact Assessments
  • Effectiveness and impact studies with local research teams and inter-organizational collaborations